Monday, September 30, 2013

PRATT BFA Admissions

Pratt Institute
Office of Admissions
200 Willoughby Ave
Brooklyn, NY 11205



  1. Online Application
  2. Fee of $50; international applicant fee is $90
  3. Official transcript from your last high school attended 
  4. Test Results: SAT, ACT or TOEFL 
  5. Optional letter of recommendation
  6. Portfolio 
  7. Essay
Early Action: November 1 (freshman applicants only) (non-binding)
Regular Admission: January 5 (freshmen)
Transfers: February 1


  • The visual portfolio should consist of a variety of media and approaches. It can include assignment-based projects, self-directed work or pieces of a collaborative nature. 
  • The portfolio does not need to be specific to the discipline to which you are applying.
  • The portfolio must include at least three to five pieces of work from observation. 
  • Applicants should avoid including work that copies photographs, uses the grid system, or directly replicates any other artist's work (including replicating anime drawings, cartoons, or video game character designs).
All materials must be sent to:
Pratt Institute

Office of Undergraduate Admissions
200 Willoughby Avenue
Brooklyn, NY 11205
    1. Application Form with Fee: Pratt's new online application has been activated. All applicants to undergraduate degree programs are advised to complete the Pratt undergraduate online application with the appropriate non-refundable application fee ($50 for U.S. citizens and Permanent Residents, $90 for international applicants). Applications should be completed online to expedite processing. Fees may be paid by credit card or electronic check. In cases of extreme financial hardship, applicants may request a fee waiver.
    2. Official High School Transcripts: A high school diploma or equivalent is required for admission to all of Pratt Institute's undergraduate programs. Applicants should request official transcripts from all secondary schools attended and include them with their materials. Applicants who have received a high school equivalency diploma are required to have official High School Equivalency Examination (GED) scores sent to the admissions office in addition to official transcripts from all high schools attended. Students who are taking college-level classes while in high school must have the college send an official transcript to Pratt in order to receive college credit.
    International Transcripts: International applicants must submit official transcripts (academic records) of all secondary school studies as well as any post-secondary studies. Applicants also must submit official results of all external examinations. These include: General Certificate of Education, Hong Kong School Certificate of Education, Israeli matriculation or Bagrut, Secondary School Certificates and Baccalaureate Part I and Part II. Transcripts must be translated to English. . If your school cannot provide this, you must have them translated by some other reputable service such as a member of the National Association of Credential Evaluation Services ( A WES evaluation is not required for secondary school transcripts.
    3. Scholastic Aptitude Test (SAT 1) or American College Testing Program (ACT) Scores: First-time freshmen* applying to any of Pratt's bachelor degree programs must submit official results from either the SAT or ACT except those applying to the associate's degree programs. To ensure that we receive scores by our posted deadlines, students should take the tests as early as possible but no later than one month before the application deadline. Please be sure to have your scores sent directly to Pratt. Please do not request that scores be rushed. Pratt recommends that applicants to the Bachelor of Architecture program submit the results of the SAT II Mathematics Level I or II Subject Test. If you applied early action and took the October SATs or ACT, the admissions office will consider your file when we receive the score.
    *International students may submit the TOEFL, IELTS or PTE instead of the SAT. International students whose first language is English may be waived from the TOEFL, IELTS or PTE but then must submit the SAT or ACT instead. Students who have been out of high school for five or more years are not required to submit the SAT or ACT but if international must submit a TOEFL, IELTS or PTE.
    Pratt Institutional Codes
    SAT code is 2669
    CLEP code is 2669
    AP code is 2669 ACT code is 2862
    ACT and SAT test requirements may be waived for any first time freshman applicant who graduated from high school five or more years prior to applying.
    4. Letter(s) of Recommendation (optional): Applicants may submit one optional letter of recommendation from teachers or professionals who have direct experience with the applicant's artistic, academic, and creative potential. Letters should be sent directly to the admissions office. The letter of recommendation is not required and will not show up in the status checklist. 
    5. Portfolio Requirements: Pratt requires a visual portfolio for art, design, photography, and architecture applicants and a writing portfolio for the writing program, the BA in Art History, and critical and visual studies. Film applicants may choose one of the options listed below. Architecture applicants with a GPA of 3.7 or higher may waive the portfolio requirement. Both kinds of portfolios are described below. We request that visual and writing portfolios be uploaded at  
    First-time Freshman Art, Design, and Architecture Applicants
    All first-time freshman art, design, and architecture applicants including photography but not including art history BA applicants must submit a visual portfolio consisting of 12–20 pieces of two-or three-dimensional work, although film/video applicants may instead submit Option 2 below instead. 

    Architecture applicants follow the same visual requirements for portfolio except that the portfolio for  architecture applicants with a high school GPA of 3.7 is optional and is automatically waived. 
    Film/Video ApplicantsFilm/video applicants must choose from either Option 1 or Option 2, but all film/video applicants must submit the writing sample in C below.
    Option 1:
    A visual portfolio consisting of 12–25 examples of two-or three-dimensional work. The work should consist of a variety of media and approaches; applicants may include a three-minute-maximum video for which the applicant has primary creative control in addition to work in other media. Work may include assignment-based projects, self-directed work or pieces of a collaborative nature. The portfolio does not need to be discipline-specific. The portfolio must include at least three to five pieces of work showing observational drawing; examples might include a landscape, still-life, self-portrait, life drawings, etc. Applicants should avoid including work that copies photographs, uses the grid system, or directly replicates any other artist’s work (including replicating anime drawings, cartoons, or video game character designs). 
    Option 2:
    Film/Video Portfolio
    Visual Sample: Applicants submit either A or B below, and all must submit C (the writing sample).
    A) Video: A brief 3–5 minute video in which you had primary creative control. This may be fiction, documentary, or experimental in approach, and it may be silent or include sound, but it must reflect your aesthetic, intellectual, and emotional interests. (May be submitted on Slideroom at
    B) Graphic Series: A series of photographs you have taken or drawings you have made which, when viewed in a sequence, tells a simple story, or portrays an original character or place. Include a brief (less than one page) written narrative about the character, place, or story you’ve created. (May be submitted on Slideroom).
    C) Writing Sample (All applicants submit C below)
    C) A one- to two-page descriptive treatment for a short film. This film contains no dialogue or voiceover but is all communicated through visual images, sound, and character behavior and action. Your film treatment must include at least two locations, one of which is a kitchen. It must also include at least two props, a pen and a jar of peanut butter. All else is up to you. (Should be submitted on Slideroom as a pdf in the Add Media section.)  
    How to Submit Your Portfolio. Portfolios must be uploaded at This is the easiest, fastest, and least expensive way to submit your work, and it is required.  
    6. Essay: The essay question is part of the application. Describe when and how you became interested in art, design, writing, architecture, or the particular major to which you are applying. Describe how this interest has manifested itself in your daily life. The essay should be 250–500 words.
    7. International Applicants: All international applicants whose first language is not English must submit the TOEFL (required score of 550 on paper version for four-year programs and 530 for two-year programs), the IELTS (required score of 6.5 for four-year programs and 6.0 for two-year programs), or the PTE (53 for four-year programs and 48 for two-year programs) or the SAT or ACT (no specified minimum). If your first language is English, you may submit the SAT or ACT, but we will also accept the TOEFL, IELTS or PTE.


    1. Online Application
    2. Fee of $50; international applicant fee is $90
    3. Official transcript from all schools attended (including HIgh School unless you've graduated with a four year degree)  
    4. International transcripts.  See WES requirements at international application information.
    5. OEFL, IELTS or PTE test score (international applicants whose first language is not English only). See International Requirements.
    6. Optional letter of recommendation
    7. Portfolio 
    8. Essay
    Fall:  February 1
    Spring:  October 1. International applicants are asked to apply by September 1 if possible. 
    All programs but architecture will accept transfer applicants for spring if students place appropriately for second semester.
    Who is a Transfer Applicant? If you have attended a post secondary institution full time (twelve semester hours or the equivalent) for at least one semester or term or will do so prior to enrollment, you are considered a transfer student. If you have or will accumulate at least twelve semester hours (or the equivalent) after graduating from high school and prior to enrollment, you are also considered a transfer student. Applicants who are transfers but apply as freshmen may have their offer of admission rescinded because of different criteria for acceptance. The scholarship will be rescinded and the applicant will be reconsidered for admissions and  a transfer scholarship. If you earned college credit while still enrolled in high school (summer school, pre-college programs, advanced placement, dual enrollment between your high school and a university or community college, etc.) you will be considered a freshman applicant.
    Student with College Degrees: If you are considering interior design, industrial design, or graphic design and you have a college degree, you should apply to the graduate programs in those fields. All of these programs consider students without a background in the field. 

    Transfer Admissions Requirements
    All materials must be submitted within a few weeks after the submission of the application on February 1 if applying for the fall term and October 1 if applying for the spring term. 
    All materials must be sent to:

     Pratt Institute
     Office of Undergraduate Admissions
     200 Willoughby Avenue
     Brooklyn, NY 11205

    Visual Portfolio: The transfer portfolio requirements are the same as the freshman requirements if you have not taken art courses in your previous college or have not taken the foundation year and will enter as a freshman. Instructions for submissions are listed below. Transfer applicants who have taken art courses should include examples of work that reflect all studio experiences at their previous college in order to be reviewed for credit. The portfolios (visual and writing)  must be uploaded at

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    Friday, September 27, 2013

    SVA Portfolio Guidelines

    sva undergraduate portfolio guidelines

    Digital Portfolio Submission
    The following applicants are required to submit a portfolio in digital format (CD-R or on SlideRoom):
    • All applicants who would like to be considered for scholarship
    • All transfer applicants seeking credit for studio art classes
    SVA encourages applicants to submit digital portfolios online atSlideRoom.  Prints are also accepted, but a digital portfolio is required if you would like to be considered for scholarship.
    An in-person portfolio review can allow you to meet the visual portfolio requirement, but a digital portfolio is still required for scholarship consideration and for transfer applicants.
    SVA will not accept personal URLs or websites in place of aforementioned portfolio requirements. 
    All application materials become the property of SVA and will not be returned. 
    Film and Video Portfolio Requirements
    The portfolio requirement for the Film & Video program is a two-part film essay or a film reel.  
    Film Reel
    Film and video production work should be submitted on a DVD or online at SlideRoom.  No more than three minutes of film and video will be viewed, thus it may be appropriate to submit excerpts of longer work.  If you coose to send a DVD, please format the video as a .mov file.  A written description of the applicant's role in the work should be included.
    Two-Part Essay
    Part One
    In the first part, applicants must describe an imaginative story or significant real-life event in 500 words or less. This essay should be told as a short story with a plot, including a clear beginning, middle and end.

    Part Two
    In the second part, applicants must adapt the story from part one into cinematic terms using 1,000 words or less. By retelling the same story in these terms, the applicant is encouraged to be very visually descriptive, using camera cues/angles and dialogue. By controlling these elements, the applicant as filmmaker must engage the reader, communicate the significance behind the event or story, and take the reader someplace the filmmaker feels is worth the ride.
    The essays are not meant to be scripts or screenplays. The admissions review will focus on an applicant's storytelling ability and how successfully images, ideas and plot are communicated.
    The essays should be double-spaced and neatly printed or typed and each page numbered and labeled with the applicants name.

    General Portfolio Requirements
    Please follow the general portfolio requirments for your portfolio if you are applying to the following departments:
    • Advertising
    • Animation
    • Cartooning
    • Computer Art, Computer Animation and Visual Effects
    • Fine Arts
    • Graphic Design
    • Illustration
    • Interior Design
    • Visual and Critical Studies
    Drawing samples are the most important part of the portfolio for applicants to the majors listed. Please include examples of drawing done from the direct observation of live, three-dimensional situations. These can include self-portraits (using a mirror for reference), figure drawings, object studies, still lifes and landscapes. (Two-dimensional references can be included in a portfolio, but should be kept to a minimum.)
    Painting, printmaking, drawing and/or collage work that expresses the color sense of an applicant is welcome.
    Three-dimensional work that explores notions of composition, light, form and/or spatial relations should be submitted in digital format (CD-R) and should include shots from multiple viewpoints.
    Design projects and computer-generated images can be included but should be kept to a minimum. Applicants with computer-based interests are required to submit a portfolio that demonstrates their drawing-from-observation skills.
    Sketchbooks offer important insights into the creative process of an applicant. Applicants are encouraged to include the most recent sketchbook at the time of a portfolio review.
    Please see additional portfolio recommendations by department:
    Advertsing, Computer Art, Computer Animation and Visual Effects, Fine Arts, Graphic Design, Visual and Critical Studies
    Design projects and computer-generated images are not recommended for inclusion in Computer Art portfolios. However, applicants that do submit this work should be careful that it is not about what a computer program can do but what an artist can do with a computer program. It is recommended that this type of work be kept to a minimum and is submitted in conjunction with drawing, painting, and/or sculpture.
    Animation applicants should be careful not to overload their portfolios with images of comic or cartoon characters. Though character development is essential to successful animation, the ability to take objects (people, places, things) that exist in the real, three-dimensional world and place them (and make them move) believably in the two-dimensional picture plane is key at this point. This potential is better demonstrated at the point of admission by direct observation work.
    Cartooning and Illustration 
    Cartooning applicants are encouraged to share their "professional" interests and abilities with the College. Applicants who publish their ownzines, create graphic novels, or run their own strips should include these as part of their portfolio. However, applicants should be careful not to overload their portfolios with images of comic or cartoon characters. Though character development is essential to success in the cartooning world, the ability to take objects (people, places, things) that exist in the real, three-dimensional world and place them believably in the two-dimensional picture plane is key at this point. This potential is better demonstrated at the point of admission by direct observation work.
    Interior Design
    Examples of drafting, design, or digital projects can always be included in a portfolio. However, applicants must be careful that the work submitted is not so much about what a computer program can do but what the applicant can do with a computer program. Applicants should also be able to discuss the unique concepts behind their design work. It is recommended that this type of work be submitted in conjunction with drawing, painting, and/or sculpture.
    In-Person Portfolio Reviews
    On-campus portfolio reviews are offered Monday through Friday between 10:00 AM and 4:00 PM throughout the year. Limited portfolio reviews are also available on Saturday during Completion Day.
    Applicants should bring actual work to an interview or portfolio day event. Work does not need to be mounted or matted. However, the care in which an applicant presents and discusses his/her work can play an important part in a review.
    Oversized work and three-dimensional work should be submitted in digital (CD-R) or print format.
    Sketchbooks can play an insightful role in a portfolio review. Applicants are asked to limit sketchbooks to the most recent and complete book.
    Actual portfolios will not be accepted by mail or drop-off and should only be submitted at the time of an in-person review.
    To schedule an on-campus portfolio review, contact the Office of Admissions at 800.436.4204 or 212.592.2100 at least two to four weeks in advance.
    All application materials become the property of SVA and will not be returned.
    Photography Portfolio Requirements
    Photography applicants should submit 15 to 20 photographic images. These can be submitted in actual print form only when attending on-campus portfolio reviews. Applicants not attending an on-campus portfolio review must submit a portfolio in digital format (CD-R) or uploaded to SlideRoom.
    Composition, light, form, and spatial relations. These are concerns often addressed in drawing, painting, and three-dimensional work. Surprisingly, these are not always considered in the work submitted by photography applicants. Content and story are of prime importance in a portfolio review. But composition, light, form, and spatial relations provide the objective terms with which photographers can tell subjective stories. Aspiring photographers should be careful to consider these issues when creating their images.
    It is recommended that applicants have experience self-developing and self-printing black and white work. However, digital images are also appropriate and encouraged parts of a portfolio. When submitting digital work, especially electronically manipulated work, be careful that the work is not demonstrating what a computer program can do but what a visual artist can do with a computer program.
    Work that explores a specific theme or series of themes or ideas is also recommended. Work that appears to represent a single photo shoot or a single roll of film often offers a limited view of an applicant’s creative potential.
    Scholarship Consideration
    To be considered for a scholarship, first-time freshmen must submit all admissions materials (including a digital portfolio on CD-R or uploaded toSlideRoom) postmarked by February 1st. Transfer applicants must submit all admissions materials postmarked by March 1st.

    All applicants who possess a minimum 3.0 GPA and adhere to the above deadlines will be automatically reviewed for scholarship.

    Only scholarship winners will be notified of an award.
    All application materials become the property of SVA and will not be returned. 
    Selecting Artwork
    The ideal portfolio will consist of 15 to 20 pieces of recent artwork and will include examples of work done from the direct observation of life.
    When deciding which pieces to include in a portfolio, the advice and suggestions of others can be helpful. However, it is important that the applicant makes the final decision and submits a portfolio that best represents those ideas, issues and work that they would like considered in the review process.
    Though applicants may want to include examples of work from past years, especially to demonstrate growth, it is more important to submit work that represents current skills and experiences.
    It is also important to submit work that speaks to an applicant's strength. Submitting work simply to show a range of mediums (such as one charcoal, one pastel, one watercolor, etc) is not recommended if it sacrifices consistency of quality.
    All application materials become the property of SVA and will not be returned. 

    by Changwok


    sva undergraduate portfolio guidelines

    Digital Portfolio Submission
    The following applicants are required to submit a portfolio in digital format (CD-R or on SlideRoom):
    • All applicants who would like to be considered for scholarship
    • All transfer applicants seeking credit for studio art classes
    SVA encourages applicants to submit digital portfolios online atSlideRoom.  Prints are also accepted, but a digital portfolio is required if you would like to be considered for scholarship.
    An in-person portfolio review can allow you to meet the visual portfolio requirement, but a digital portfolio is still required for scholarship consideration and for transfer applicants.
    SVA will not accept personal URLs or websites in place of aforementioned portfolio requirements. 
    All application materials become the property of SVA and will not be returned. 
    Film and Video Portfolio Requirements
    The portfolio requirement for the Film & Video program is a two-part film essay or a film reel.  
    Film Reel
    Film and video production work should be submitted on a DVD or online at SlideRoom.  No more than three minutes of film and video will be viewed, thus it may be appropriate to submit excerpts of longer work.  If you coose to send a DVD, please format the video as a .mov file.  A written description of the applicant's role in the work should be included.
    Two-Part Essay
    Part One
    In the first part, applicants must describe an imaginative story or significant real-life event in 500 words or less. This essay should be told as a short story with a plot, including a clear beginning, middle and end.

    Part Two
    In the second part, applicants must adapt the story from part one into cinematic terms using 1,000 words or less. By retelling the same story in these terms, the applicant is encouraged to be very visually descriptive, using camera cues/angles and dialogue. By controlling these elements, the applicant as filmmaker must engage the reader, communicate the significance behind the event or story, and take the reader someplace the filmmaker feels is worth the ride.
    The essays are not meant to be scripts or screenplays. The admissions review will focus on an applicant's storytelling ability and how successfully images, ideas and plot are communicated.
    The essays should be double-spaced and neatly printed or typed and each page numbered and labeled with the applicants name.

    General Portfolio Requirements
    Please follow the general portfolio requirments for your portfolio if you are applying to the following departments:
    • Advertising
    • Animation
    • Cartooning
    • Computer Art, Computer Animation and Visual Effects
    • Fine Arts
    • Graphic Design
    • Illustration
    • Interior Design
    • Visual and Critical Studies
    Drawing samples are the most important part of the portfolio for applicants to the majors listed. Please include examples of drawing done from the direct observation of live, three-dimensional situations. These can include self-portraits (using a mirror for reference), figure drawings, object studies, still lifes and landscapes. (Two-dimensional references can be included in a portfolio, but should be kept to a minimum.)
    Painting, printmaking, drawing and/or collage work that expresses the color sense of an applicant is welcome.
    Three-dimensional work that explores notions of composition, light, form and/or spatial relations should be submitted in digital format (CD-R) and should include shots from multiple viewpoints.
    Design projects and computer-generated images can be included but should be kept to a minimum. Applicants with computer-based interests are required to submit a portfolio that demonstrates their drawing-from-observation skills.
    Sketchbooks offer important insights into the creative process of an applicant. Applicants are encouraged to include the most recent sketchbook at the time of a portfolio review.
    Please see additional portfolio recommendations by department:
    Advertsing, Computer Art, Computer Animation and Visual Effects, Fine Arts, Graphic Design, Visual and Critical Studies
    Design projects and computer-generated images are not recommended for inclusion in Computer Art portfolios. However, applicants that do submit this work should be careful that it is not about what a computer program can do but what an artist can do with a computer program. It is recommended that this type of work be kept to a minimum and is submitted in conjunction with drawing, painting, and/or sculpture.
    Animation applicants should be careful not to overload their portfolios with images of comic or cartoon characters. Though character development is essential to successful animation, the ability to take objects (people, places, things) that exist in the real, three-dimensional world and place them (and make them move) believably in the two-dimensional picture plane is key at this point. This potential is better demonstrated at the point of admission by direct observation work.
    Cartooning and Illustration 
    Cartooning applicants are encouraged to share their "professional" interests and abilities with the College. Applicants who publish their ownzines, create graphic novels, or run their own strips should include these as part of their portfolio. However, applicants should be careful not to overload their portfolios with images of comic or cartoon characters. Though character development is essential to success in the cartooning world, the ability to take objects (people, places, things) that exist in the real, three-dimensional world and place them believably in the two-dimensional picture plane is key at this point. This potential is better demonstrated at the point of admission by direct observation work.
    Interior Design
    Examples of drafting, design, or digital projects can always be included in a portfolio. However, applicants must be careful that the work submitted is not so much about what a computer program can do but what the applicant can do with a computer program. Applicants should also be able to discuss the unique concepts behind their design work. It is recommended that this type of work be submitted in conjunction with drawing, painting, and/or sculpture.
    In-Person Portfolio Reviews
    On-campus portfolio reviews are offered Monday through Friday between 10:00 AM and 4:00 PM throughout the year. Limited portfolio reviews are also available on Saturday during Completion Day.
    Applicants should bring actual work to an interview or portfolio day event. Work does not need to be mounted or matted. However, the care in which an applicant presents and discusses his/her work can play an important part in a review.
    Oversized work and three-dimensional work should be submitted in digital (CD-R) or print format.
    Sketchbooks can play an insightful role in a portfolio review. Applicants are asked to limit sketchbooks to the most recent and complete book.
    Actual portfolios will not be accepted by mail or drop-off and should only be submitted at the time of an in-person review.
    To schedule an on-campus portfolio review, contact the Office of Admissions at 800.436.4204 or 212.592.2100 at least two to four weeks in advance.
    All application materials become the property of SVA and will not be returned.
    Photography Portfolio Requirements
    Photography applicants should submit 15 to 20 photographic images. These can be submitted in actual print form only when attending on-campus portfolio reviews. Applicants not attending an on-campus portfolio review must submit a portfolio in digital format (CD-R) or uploaded to SlideRoom.
    Composition, light, form, and spatial relations. These are concerns often addressed in drawing, painting, and three-dimensional work. Surprisingly, these are not always considered in the work submitted by photography applicants. Content and story are of prime importance in a portfolio review. But composition, light, form, and spatial relations provide the objective terms with which photographers can tell subjective stories. Aspiring photographers should be careful to consider these issues when creating their images.
    It is recommended that applicants have experience self-developing and self-printing black and white work. However, digital images are also appropriate and encouraged parts of a portfolio. When submitting digital work, especially electronically manipulated work, be careful that the work is not demonstrating what a computer program can do but what a visual artist can do with a computer program.
    Work that explores a specific theme or series of themes or ideas is also recommended. Work that appears to represent a single photo shoot or a single roll of film often offers a limited view of an applicant’s creative potential.
    Scholarship Consideration
    To be considered for a scholarship, first-time freshmen must submit all admissions materials (including a digital portfolio on CD-R or uploaded toSlideRoom) postmarked by February 1st. Transfer applicants must submit all admissions materials postmarked by March 1st.

    All applicants who possess a minimum 3.0 GPA and adhere to the above deadlines will be automatically reviewed for scholarship.

    Only scholarship winners will be notified of an award.
    All application materials become the property of SVA and will not be returned. 
    Selecting Artwork
    The ideal portfolio will consist of 15 to 20 pieces of recent artwork and will include examples of work done from the direct observation of life.
    When deciding which pieces to include in a portfolio, the advice and suggestions of others can be helpful. However, it is important that the applicant makes the final decision and submits a portfolio that best represents those ideas, issues and work that they would like considered in the review process.
    Though applicants may want to include examples of work from past years, especially to demonstrate growth, it is more important to submit work that represents current skills and experiences.
    It is also important to submit work that speaks to an applicant's strength. Submitting work simply to show a range of mediums (such as one charcoal, one pastel, one watercolor, etc) is not recommended if it sacrifices consistency of quality.
    All application materials become the property of SVA and will not be returned. 

    by Changwok